Brilliant Educational Games For 6 Year Olds


Six-year-old children love to play and learn, that’s why educational games and activities make great gifts. Here are some awesome ideas that will boost brain power that kids can have fun with. From puzzles and jigsaws to science kits and books.

Photo credit: Johannes Plenio/Pexels

Top Educational Gifts for Six Year Olds:

  1. Fun Tape Measure – filled with silly facts
  2. Cycle Gears – 30 Piece Set
  3. IQ Puzzler Pro
  4. FACTopia! 400 crazily connected facts
  5. Europe Wooden Insert Jigsaw
  6. Awful Auntie’s Wonderful Witty Word Games
  7. Human Body Cube Book
  8. Radical Rainbow Veg – grow purple carrots
  9. Stars and Planets Science Kit
  10. Human Body Science Kit
  11. Robots in Motion
  12. Gross FACTopia – 400 foul fascinating facts

1 Fun Tape Measure – Filled with Silly Facts ,  £7.99 £7.99

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Shows the largest diamond to how high a pig can jump!

This entertaining double-sided tape measure includes both centimetres and inches, as well as sixty incredible scientific facts. Find out how big your things are compared to everything else – have you ever wondered whether the Mona Lisa would fit on your wall, how big an Oscar is or how high a pig can jump? Did you know that a snail can travel 39 inches in one hour? With a handy auto-locking mechanism, this is a fascinating gift for inquisitive minds – made to measure fun!

2 Cycle Gears – 30 Piece Set ,  £24.95 £24.95

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Top gear!

Looking for an exciting, hands-on game for kids? This cool engineering kit fits the bill! The chunky pieces are ideal for little hands, and the 30 gears snap together easily to make awesome, moving motorcycles. The set comes complete with an educational activity guide. A fabulously fun way to build STEM skills and critical thinking abilities!

3 IQ Puzzler Pro – 2D & 3D Brain Teaser ,  £15.95 £15.95

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Pure genius

Budding geniuses will love this highly entertaining and tactile brain teaser, which uses combinations of coloured balls to challenge children’s brain power and building skills. The enclosed booklet contains 120 designs and challenges, ranging in difficulty from easy to expert — use the balls to complete the designs. Hours upon hours of IQ-building fun, perfect for kids aged six and up!

4 Factopia – 400 Crazily Connected Facts ,  £10.99 £10.99

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Fun facts from panda poo to outer space

This fascinating hardback book is filled with incredible and hilarious facts, all of which are verified by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Did you know that a squid has a doughnut-shaped brain? That goats have rectangular pupils…Mars has blue sunsets…or that the average dog can understand 165 words? Hop from topic to topic in delightfully unexpected ways to discover what connects dinosaurs with chickens or breakfast with black holes! Follow the fact path as it twists and turns – who knows where your curiosity will take you!

5 Europe – Wooden Insert Jigsaw Puzzle ,  £16.95 £16.95

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Learn how Europe is pieced together

This unique wooden puzzle will fascinate inquisitive children as they learn how Europe is pieced together, country by country. The insert baseboard shows capital cities to ensure young minds learn as they place the 25 colourful pieces to match the countries. Fun way to learn geographical and general knowledge at a young age – educational and absorbing.

6 Awful Auntie’s Wonderfully Witty Word Games ,  £9.95 £9.95

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A wonderful game for little wordsmiths

Know a six-year-old who loves language? This witty and wordy game set, based on the David Walliams’ best-seller, consists of 100 illustrated cards. Use these cards to play seven different word games, including quick-fire spelling races and DIY crosswords. The game comes with a booklet of the Key Stage 1 and 2 spellings, making it a fun and funny way for children to develop these necessary skills and build their literacy confidence.

7 Human Body Cube Book – Clever! ,  £9.99 £9.99

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Reveal fascinating facts and figures

Each cube book has 6 ‘pages’ on one side, then turn them inside out to find another 6 ‘pages’. An innovative fact filled reference to the human body covering all the major body systems – heart, lungs, water works, digestion, ear, eye, bones, muscles, blood, nerves and the brain. Did you know that it takes 40 muscles to frown, but only 15 to smile? Irresistibly tactile and a bit compulsive like a Rubik’s cube – keep turning to keep learning!

8 Radical Rainbow Veg – Sow & Grow your 5 a day! ,  £12.99 £12.99

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Grow rainbow coloured vegetables!

This brilliant set includes everything you need to grow your own fun rainbow vegetables, including seeds, compost discs and starter pots. Watch them sprout into seedlings, then transfer to a larger pot or garden to finish them off. In time, enjoy your homegrown purple carrots, stripy tomatoes, yellow courgettes, red sprouts and colourful Swiss chard. Jazz up your dinner and encourage children to eat their veg – who could resist tasting a rainbow?!

9 Stars & Planets Science Kit – Little Labs ,  £19.95 £19.95

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Learn all about the solar system

Do plants grow on other planets? Why does the moon have a face? The answers to these questions and many more can all be found in this inspiring kit with easy hands-on experiments. Great way to learn all about outer space and have fun investigating the solar system. Also useful for NASA job applications.

10 Human Body Science Kit – 26 Fun experiments ,  £29.95 £29.95

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Learn about how your body works experimenting

Explore the external aspects of the human body with 26 fun experiments to learn about the inside anatomy. Examine your fingerprints to learn how unique you really are and find out what happens to the food you eat. Build a stethoscope, listen to your own heartbeat and learn about your heart pumping blood. Relate your experiments back to the human body systems, including the internal organs, skeleton, muscles and the circulatory system. With clear and accurate illustrations, a great aid for future doctors.

11 Robots in Motion – 116 piece Building Set ,  £49.99 £49.99

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Build moving robots that twist, turn and even transform

This colourful 116-piece robotics building set includes special components for designing and building robots that move and transform. Follow along with the included STEM activity guide to build with large chunky pieces using the interactive gears, axles, arms, wheels, rolling treads and even spinning eyes! Spark your little inventor’s imagination to design their own robo-creation, boosting early engineering and critical thinking skills. A moving robot who can transform – the possibilities are as fun as they are limitless!

12 Gross Factopia – 400 Fun Foul Facts! ,  £10.99 £10.99

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From crocodile poo as make-up to the longest fingernails ever

This fascinating hardback book is filled with gross and hilarious facts, all of which are verified by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Did you know that hippos spin their tails when they poo? That giraffes use their tongues to pick their noses, crocodile poo was used as make-up in ancient Rome and the Fitzroy River turtle can breathe through its bum?! Hop from topic to topic in delightfully unexpected ways to discover what connects armpits to worms and snake venom to cow poo. Follow the fact path as it twists and turns – who knows where your curiosity will take you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Educational Games for Six-Year-Olds:

Why are educational games good for 6-year-olds?

Educational games are a fun way to support learning at home. These types of games allow children to practice what they’re learning in school, whether it’s spelling, maths, reading or science. Playing educational games not only helps children improve these hard skills, but it also enables them to build confidence in their abilities and knowledge. Bringing this newfound confidence into the classroom can help your child become an even more eager learner going forward.

What do six-year-olds learn from playing games?

Learning through playing educational games can support in-school learning, cultivate imagination and help children improve vital skills, such as literacy. Specific games can also help children grow their knowledge in certain subject areas. For instance, a world map puzzle can help build geography knowledge, while a science-themed game can enhance STEM capabilities.

What should I look for in educational games for 6-year-olds?

The best games for 6-year-old children are ones that build upon their ever-improving communication and cooperation abilities. You’ll also want to be on the lookout for games that will allow children to put their budding problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to use. In addition, literacy and numeracy are important skills for six-year-olds, so look for games that involve reading, words, numbers, counting and basic maths. It’s also worth keeping in mind that most six-year-old boys and girls are social and eager to cooperate with family and friends to achieve something, so both collaborative and competitive games can be a good choice.

What are the best educational games for six-year-olds?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. That said, the best educationalgames for six-year-olds tend to be those that are age-appropriate, tactile and supportive of the skills and subjects they’re learning in school. Most of the best games also have relatively simple rules that are quick for children to pick up on. Finally, don’t forget that the best games should also be fun! After all, a child is unlikely to learn something from a game they never play…

What kind of games do 6-year-olds like?

Most six-year-old children enjoy a challenge, but it’s important that you choose a game that’s within their abilities. This means checking the age suitability on the box or asking the child’s parents for their opinion on the game. Keep in mind that games should have relatively easy rules and reasonable playing times — after all, it’s unlikely that a six-year-old will sit still for hours in one go. If you need inspiration, our above list contains plenty of brilliant games that are sure to be a hit with six-year-olds!

For more brilliant educational games and toys for 6 year olds, check out our website!

What’s a banana peel’s favourite type of shoes? Slippers!



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