How to tell a Beditime Story


Bedtime Stories – The Solution

Sooner or later you will be asked by some little person to tell them a story. Your mind will go blank and all the stories you can think of will either involve scary monsters hiding in the cupboard (not so good at bedtime) or have punchlines which are definitely unsuitable for tender ears.
But fear not, as well as being ruthless libertarian capitalist purveyors of really cool toys for kids, we like to help out, so here is the solution.
There is a totally brilliant, and free, story telling service out there run by our friends at Storynory. Their chief writer is a former Prince who got turned into a Frog after he kissed the wrong Princess and now spends his time writing great stories and having them recorded by the lovely Natasha and various other talented and sophisticated actors.
So all you have to do is visit the website, download some stories onto your super zippy mobile phone and you will be perfectly equipped to read them straight off the screen at a moment’s notice. You can also hit play and lean back, but that is the idle option. Although quite useful if you are in a car.
Storynory’s best story is of course “The Wicked Uncle” all about a character called Wicked Uncle Jeff, who is obviously a fine fellow and an excellent role model. There are also stories about princesses, frogs, castles, a vigilante monkey and all the usual characters as well as some classics. 
They are really good and Storynory record a new story every week. Which is pretty cool and means you will never run out of material until they are teenagers. Having read a couple of stories and massively impressed the little darlings who you are visiting, you can then go back to the serious business of the summer and watch the cricket.
Happy Cricketing Season,
The Wicked Uncle Lying on the Grass Team
Ps If you want to really impress children, you could go the materialistic route as well and buy them something neat from our cool website. Or tell them this joke:
Q. What is green and has wheels ?
A. Grass.  I lied about the wheels.



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