The Wicked Uncle “God-parenting Like a Boss” Guide


Being asked to be a godparent is kind of a big deal. It means that you have to step up, be an adult and take a responsible role in a child’s life.  If you are chosen to play this significant role for the child of a friend or relative and you don’t have children yourself, you really need to know what it’s all about – Godparent Etiquette. Following the resounding success of our Wicked Uncle Guide to Babies, we are chucking out a few truth bombs about how to godparent like a boss.  We also have some amazing presents you could buy the lucky child on this auspicious occasion.

  • Understand the role
  • Be there for the child throughout life
  • Remember the child’s important occasions
  • Be a fun influence on the child
  • Take the role seriously

Check out exactly what brand of “godparent” you are signing up to be.

It will influence your dress sense on the big day, as well as many more significant elements of the role. If you are a bona fide GODparent, in a church, in which case, dress formally. Also, re-read your school RE textbook and prepare your best hymn-singing voice. It might be that you will be taking on a Life Guardian or Supporter role in a non-religious service. Then it’s a good idea to look smart and go easy on the rosary beads. If the child is named after a herb, a phase of the moon or a breed of butterfly then congratulations, you’re probably a Spirit Animal. Wear something woven and vegan-friendly.

Chester the Fox
Chester the Fox makes a brilliant Christening Gift

Godparenting is for life, not just for christenings.

 It’s no good just rocking up to pose for photographs with a baby, and then sidling off when the hard graft begins. Whatever the ceremony, Joseph/Abigail/Quentin/Patchouli needs you to be there for the important times in their lives. From first steps to adolescent angst, and the rocky road into adulthood, it’s your job to be there with a supportive attitude and a witty one liner.

Jo for Girls 925 Ballet Shoes Pendant
Give a gift that will last a lifetime with this beautiful necklace

Never forget their birthday or Christmas present.

Seriously, don’t. While you were no doubt chosen for your upstanding moral character rather than for materialistic present-buying potential, it’s a huge no-no if you don’t mark the special occasions in a godchild’s life with a gift wrapped toy, book or game. (We can help with our handy reminder service.) If you ever do forget, then prepare to be guilt tripped for all eternity and possibly demoted to “that person we used to like”. If you’d like to redeem yourself in the eyes of the child and their parents, we suggest doubling your budget, listing at least three plausible excuses, and if if all else fails, shed a tear. They’re bound to forgive you then.

Musical Instrument Set - Janod
Give this beautiful Instrument Set to a small child – the parents will think you’re great for encouraging a flair for the arts. By the time the noise is driving them crackers, they’ll have forgotten it was you who bought it. Win.

Be Fun.

We’ve already mentioned that you are contractually obliged to provide excellent and unusual gifts at least twice a year for approximately  twenty one years. That aside, it is advisable to spend time getting to know the godchild (or children, if you get good at it and turn professional). Get to know their interests and share yours too. Have fun with them and enjoy their company. Children are fun. They are also quite clever and quite often have easy access to chocolate and cool toys, which they will let you play with if you behave yourself. Just try not to beat them too often. They might revoke your privileges.

Melissa and Doug Hungry Pelican
The Hungry Pelican is great fun!

Take it seriously. 

Humour aside, remember it is a great honour to be assigned a special role in a small person’s life. So even if you don’t really know what you’re doing, be enthusiastic and help out as much as you can. When the child is young this might be about offering babysitting, or plying the tired parents with food and drink. As the child grows, you’ll acquire a role as cheerleader at dancing shows and football matches. Older again, and you might be required to help with tricky homework or even work experience. Best start revising now, really. Do your best, with a smile on your face and the Wicked Uncle website saved and ready in your bookmarks.

We’ve got your back.



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